The mobile phone is increasingly being used on the internet, what with the easy connectivity and mobile apps. Now, mobile blogging is on the rise, and you can even blog right from your cell phone! Many and more people are now using mobile devices to surf the internet, which is why bloggers are turning towards optimizing their blogs for mobile devices. Most of you might be familiar with Blogger Dynamic View, since more than 2 millions blogs have started using it ever since it was launched. Now, Google has integrated the flexibility of mobile usage with the functionality of Dynamic Views. You can now optimize your Blogger Dynamic View blogs for mobile to enhance user experience!
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This App has been specially developed for "MBT Readers" by Lubna Essa, an Android developer . We are featuring it here and sharing the download link. If you wish to order similar Android apps, you may contact her anytime at lubna.essa@live.com
If you are a person who uses the PC just to get some daily updates, then let there be something that can save you the hassle of turning on and off your pc all the time to get updates. Just tap on your phone screen and get all you want because it is designed absolutely for you!

Less than a decade ago, the cell phone was rarely, it at all, used. Its primary purpose was to make calls. Now, with the evolution of technology, the cell phone has transformed into a powerful gadget that has become a necessity for everyone. Forget calling, now you can blog with your cell phone! You don't need to have an expensive smartphone for this. Any mobile with a data connection with SMS can be used. Using your phone, you can publish posts to Blogger at any time. This has immense advantages, especially for people who like keeping their friends and family updated, or reporters wanting to break the latest news on their blogs instantly, or travelers who don't often have access to the internet. Such people can publish a new post simply via SMS or MMS or email right from their mobile.

One of the biggest disadvantage (among numerous advantages) of the internet is the theft of original content, or piracy in other words. Copyright violation is a big issue, and is not only a danger to the originality of the content online, it is also a threat to the individual content creators, who do all the work while someone else takes the credit, hence offsetting their prospects. Although such violation can not be stopped, it can be discouraged. And Google is taking steps to do just that. Many webmasters use Google AdSense to monetize their sites and generate revenue. So to discourage copyright infringement, Google bans websites that it finds are violating its copyright policies. Here is what you need to know to stay on the good side of AdSense, or else you might find yourself banned in no time.
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'No Ordinary' Social Sharing & Subscription Widget
Unknown | 12.09 |
Blogger Widgets and plugins
Guest Posts
This Social subscription widget is made with the aim of promoting and increasing traffic of your blog in various manners. It has the potential to boost your subscribers, Facebook fans and the widget can even make you viral on various social networks. Your readers will also get an opportunity to connect with you on your other networks and all these features are just in one widget in a compact and presentable manner. This widget has almost everything you will need to promote your blog and increase fans and readers. It has a subscribe box, share box, Facebook like box; what else you want? It can replace any other social buttons, widgets or plugins you are using on your blog. Get ready to see the amazing beauty in action which will nurture your blog.
Increase Page Layout Size by hiding Sidebar in Blogger
Unknown | 12.09 |
blogger tricks
CSS and HTMLTricks
How To Add Interactive Transcripts To YouTube Videos
Unknown | 12.09 |
Social Media

Interactive Transcripts is a cool, relatively new YouTube feature that is designed to enhance your video-viewing experience. You might already be familiar with subtitles for films. They are there to supplement the audio to help viewers better understand what's being said. YouTube now has a feature, Interactive Transcripts, which act just as subtitles, but they are interactive, which means not only can they be played with the video, they can also shown separately and made clickable, so that when you click on a certain piece of text, it will take you to that point in the video where it was said. In this post, we'll talk about how you can create transcripts, and how to add them to your YouTube videos.
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Optimize URL Parameters For Blogger in Webmaster Tools
Unknown | 12.09 |
Webmaster Tools
Eid-ul-Fitr 2012 Mubarak To Everyone!
Unknown | 12.09 |

So the much-awaited Eid-ul-Fitr is finally upon us! The Ramadan Kareen 2012 has drawn to a close, marking the end of the 1433rd Ramadan according to the Islamic (Hijri) Calendar. "Eid" in Arabic translates to "Celebration" or "Festivity", while "Fitr" means "Breaking" (the fast). Hence, Muslims from all around the world celebrate the happy ending of the Holy month of Ramadan after 30 days of fasting. They share this joyous occasion with friends and family, and forget their worries and grievances for at least one day so that everyone can join in. Therefore, here at MBT, on behalf of the STC network and its team, Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai, Nida Zaidi, and Me, we'd like to wish all our readers a very happy and joyous Eid-ul-Fitr!
Google is the world's largest search engine. It crawls millions of webpages everyday. But one problem it faces is duplicate URLs on a website linking to the same content. For instance, the URLs example.com/blog/category/news and example.com/blog/index.php?category=news can both point to the same page, hence creating duplicates, and reducing site efficiency for Google's crawler. In the interest of good SEO, it is important that you optimize your URLs to avoid duplication. To this end, Google Webmaster Tools now gives you a Configure URL Parameters feature, which will help you recommend actions for the GoogleBot crawler to take, so as to increase your site's crawl efficiency. It will also lessen the resource burden on Google that goes into the crawling of your website. In this post, we will show you how to set easy settings for URL Parameters.
Update: Read: Optimize URL Parameters For Blogger
Blogging isn't just about building traffic. it is also about maintaining it. But for that traffic to be of any use to you, you should a good conversion rate, whereby visitors to your site at least take some action such as following you on Twitter, subscribing for your newsletter, visiting your old posts, and so on. There are many ways to increase your conversion. Here's another one. Add a welcome bar at the top of your website, and include calls to actions, such as sharing your page or liking it. That way, people can have easy access to your pages and links. The bar is provided by AddThis, a large sharing platform, and we have been showing you various sharing options for your blog that they provide. Here, we will show you how to use, and customize this bar.
MoneyPak: Send Money To Paypal without Bank Account
Unknown | 12.09 |
PayPal is the largest payment gateway in the world, and millions of people are using it to send and receive money. But PayPal needs you to have a credit card, or at least a bank account for you to add money to your PayPal account and then transfer or spend it. If you don't have a bank account or a credit card, then you can still add funds to PayPal using GreenDot MoneyPak. With it, you can either load money to an issued PrePaid card, or add money directly into your PayPal account without getting into the hassle of bank transfers and what not. It is perhaps the only way to add money without a bank account.
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The Biggest Lie On The Internet Disclosed - TOS Simplified
Unknown | 12.09 |
Copyright Violation

It is generally accepted that acknowledging "I have read, and agree to the terms of services..." is the biggest lie on the internet. I don't read them, and you don't read them (most probably). Nobody reads them, and you know it, even if most people won't admit it just to sound smart. Even the companies who write them know it. Well, I don't blame them. The fact of the matter is, most ToS are freakishly long, and heavily laden with legal jargon only lawyers are supposed to understand. Some ToS are just plain ridiculous. Well, now there's a service, TOS-DR, that intends to end this rule of ignorance by bringing some companies' (like Facebook, Twitter, Skype etc) ToS closer to the layman user's level of comprehension.
We will discuss Google recommendations in latter part of the post, but for now, let us see what Website testing is all about!
Internet browsers have recently gained considerable limelight as the world is becoming online. Now when physical businesses are turning into the virtual ones and new online methods to make money are productive enough to facilitate the talent across the globe, the competition among the internet browsers is inevitable. We saw that gradually yahoo maintained its pace and somehow has overpowered hotmail when it comes to search engines, it was expected that yahoo will soon come up with its own internet browser as MSN enjoys internet Explorer (thanks to Microsoft) , and the youngest competitor Google that came up with Google Chrome. Realizing the importance of launching a new browser with its tag, Yahoo released its browser, Yahoo! Axis, few months back.
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Correct way to Optimize Permalinks in Blogger
Unknown | 12.09 |
Webmaster Tools
Use Payza to Send and Receive Money Online in Pakistan and India
Unknown | 12.09 |
Make Money Online
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How You Can Pay Facebook to Promote Your Posts?
Unknown | 12.09 |
5 Must Follow Principles for Bloggers
Unknown | 12.09 |
Blogging ethics
Blogging tips
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How to Make Your Website Multi-Culturally Accessible?
Unknown | 12.09 |
Blogging tips
Traffic Tips
Now, to ensure that you become a universal source to be visited, you need to take into account the following factors so that the probability of making more money by attracting a large audience increases.
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6 Myths about Ad-Blocking Answered By Google Adsense
Unknown | 12.09 |
Google AdSense
Google Adsense was keen enough to notice this confusion persisting among the bloggers and hence recently Google has answered the most common myths that are related to ad-blocking. The fact that you, being an owner of your blog, have got all the rights to decide which ad to show and which to block, Here are some of the most common myths and the realities revealed by Google itself, that would definitely help you out in understanding more about Ad-blocking.
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5 Best Ways Bloggers Can Do Keyword Research
Unknown | 12.09 |
Traffic Tips
Your online Money Making business highly depends upon your understanding about two things in particular, first being the most productive domain to start with, and next to it is an effective Keyword research. Keywords are the most powerful ingredient of your Search Engine Optimization which drives traffic to your site from the search results. However, attracting a considerable traffic to your site/blog is directly related to your knowledge about the keywords utility. This means that you need to think from your potential visitor’s point of view that what he might be looking for. Effective keyword research does not only drive traffic, in fact beside increasing your followers, it helps boosting your overall site statistics, while on the other hand, generating huge revenue.
Bitly has a New Realtime Search Engine For You!
Unknown | 12.09 |
Social Media
As many of you might already know, Bitly is the largest Link Shortening service. In fact, it is the one responsible for ushering the world into the concept of short links four years ago. Since then, it has been extensively been used to replace long URLs into a collection of just a few characters, which can be easily shared on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. It came is handy especially for twitter, where there is a character limit on tweets. Well now, after almost four years, Bitly has finally collected enough data to create a whole new search engine of its own! Bitly calls it "Real-time", and describes it as an "Attention Ranking" Search Engine. Although still in its beta phase, it has been rolled out to the public. It can be accessed at http://rt.ly.
How Can Weak Eyesight Destroy Your Blogging Career?
Unknown | 12.09 |
Blogging ethics
If You Work for a really long duration on your machines daily, then you need to have a keen look on the unfolding aspects, that we will share in this post.