With the recent release of the Google Penguin, the talk is all about Google's algorithm updates and how they effect websites. Yesterday, I wrote about what these updates are all about. And as promised, I am here to share some tips for recovering from the Google Panda update. Google Panda was the first radical change in the search model since many years. And basically, it was aimed at getting rid of low quality websites and bringing higher quality websites in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Many bloggers saw a drop in their traffic, drastic in some cases, while some also benefited from this update. The impact was negative by far, and this update effected 12% of the total websites when it was first released.
With this update, we can say that Google raised the quality bar for many bloggers. Now, much more was expected from them. Good quality and basic level SEO became mandatory for keeping up in accordance to the wishes of Google.
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