Why Description Meta Tags Not Showing In Custom Templates?
Meta Tags for Homepage, posts and pages wont display in custom templates if you view the browser source file for your blog. This is because custom templates are coded by third party designers and therefore we would manually need to insert the necessary code to make this feature of latest search preferences work in your customized blogs. The method is really easy. We would delete any existing Meta Tag for description inside your templates and would replace it with a dynamic code that will act as a meta tag both for homepage and as well as for individual posts and pages.
Guest post by Rahmeen Ahmad Khan. She is MBT"s Gold Star Contributor
Note:- To watch Mohammad's Latest Video Presentation on How To Become Successful Entrepreneurs please click here
Read more »Add HelloBar To Blogger - Know its Benefits!
This post is written by Ahmed Safwan. MBT’s loyal reader. He has started a new blog at To Start Blogging.
There are many sticky bars that are all over the internet also MBT have some amazing sticky bars widgets and I see many people welcomed it at MBT so I came today with another good site that provide a service to create an easy customized sticky bar with a lot of advantages and this bar is also used on most of the popular blogs . You can see statistics for it and even add your twitter and RSS FEEDS. So now before we continue you may like to see live demo.
I personally really liked the Page Redirect option among the latest search preferences by blogger. It lets you easily redirect or cloak deleted, missing, non-existing or removed posts in your BlogSpot blogs to an existing location. Normally for pages that are not found, blogger automatically displays the 404 Error page but this can harm your PageRank from internal and external links. Suppose you had a post and people started giving it backlinks and it got circulated everywhere, if for some reasons you decided to delete that post, people and robots will see a URL error i.e Page Not Found error. All that PageRank juice which was pointing this specific page will be lost therefore you must learn how to redirect missing pages in blogger both for redirecting PageRank juice and also for making your blog more search engine friendly because this is the only way to reduce the number of crawl errors you see at your Google Webmaster Account. We will be dealing this tutorial in a detailed manner to make best possible use of Custom Redirection.
All BlogSpot blogs will be automatically upgraded to the new blogger look so that it may blend other Google Products. With the introduction of Google Plus , developers at Google have given the same design and look to every Google service to keep things simple. The current interface at draft.blogger.com will now be officially launched at Blogger.com from First April 2012 onwards. This upgraded interface has many new features and is a lot faster. All your favorite blogging actions now have several shortcuts thus making your blogging experience even more worthwhile. We will also learn how to turn back to old blogger look or switching back to old user interface. Lets have a quick look at some of the important changes.
The most important success key in business is “Planning”. A flawless planning with incredible determination can doubtlessly take you to ultimate heights. We have also achieved many goals using this tool. As we have shared the successful launch of our sister blog i.e. Smart Earning Methods; we thought it would be a great idea to share some tips with you all. Blogging is a science and you can progress only if you select the right thing at the time else you will end up in doing fruitless experiments only.
Create 404 Error Page in Blogger
Its big, its exciting and its worth an applause! Blogger finally introduced the most awaited SEO features for Google hosted BlogSpot blogs. Blogger Team is trying every possible effort to get closer to its biggest competitor Wordpress in terms of development. Its believed that BlogSpot blogs are not well optimized due to limited Search Engine optimization features but with the introduction of Meta Description for individual posts, custom redirection for broken links, nofollow attribute, 404 error pages, custom robots.txt and robot header tags features, blogger surprised almost everyone today. The problem of wrong post description appearing in social networks like Facebook and Google+ will all be solved thanks to Meta Tags for posts and pages. We will look into each feature one by one so that you may understand clearly the importance of these technical SEO terms.
Vertical Sidebar Menu For Blogger
Two days ago we learnt an easy way to create a horizontal drop down menu with multi levels and today we will use exact same script and coding to create a vertical sidebar menu which could be fitted in any blog sidebar. We will again use some delicious CSS3 effects combined with JavaScript functions (for smooth slide effects) to craft a menu that may suit and blend any blog background. It will help you better organize your blog labels or categories thus providing visitors with better and easy navigation. The installation steps are as usual kept extremely simply. Kindly first view a demo,
Multi Level Drop Down Menu For Blogger & Wordpress
UPDATE: To learn instead how to create a vertical sidebar menu version please read: Vertical Sidebar Menu Drop down menus provide easy and neat navigation by organizing and featuring important category links of your blog. With increased use of categories and tags, organizing links in a simple menu is difficult therefore the menu that we share today provides you with easy control over its column and rows display. You can choose to create as many sub levels as you want. Its created using simple HTML and CSS3 along with cool JavaScript transition effects. The script is adopted from dynamicdrive and bloggerized by MBT blog. We have kept the installation extremely simple. All you need is to copy and paste the code as instructed. The top bar menu instruction below are for blogger users only but if you use wordpress as a blogging platform then you will need to manually insert the code inside your template or using the widget section.
Yet another interesting event took place at ACM NUCES Fast University Karachi being sponsored by Folio3. Developers Day is one of my favorite IT events of hometown where people like me get an opportunity to create awareness amongst young teenagers. This event took place on 15th March 2012 and it comprised of exciting competitions in which one could take part to exhibit his skills. My soul purpose behind taking part in 10 Minutes Tech talk was of course not to win or loose but to take advantage of this opportunity and educate the highly enthusiastic students coming from different universities of the city with the idea of Entrepreneurship.
Collapsible JQuery Stickybar for blogs - Version5
We have published so far 3 different versions of a sticky bar as a custom design to Hellobar. It appears at the top of your website or blog to attract visitors towards an important announcement, ad or update. The previous versions included social media buttons and a close functionality. This widget uses Jquery to create a collapsible slide panel that can be expanded or collapsed. Any important message or blog update can be inserted inside the announcement box no matter how long it may be, the message will appear only once the visitor clicks the slidepanel. I made sure it looks neat and clean and may not occupy big space therefore this latest Jquery script helped me to add the slide functionality to it thus giving birth to an entirely useful and cool blog widget. Kindly view a demo first,
Read more »"Do You Like This Story" - A Widget For Blogs Version-2
I just took a simple HTML div box and inserted inside it Facebook Like and send button along with Twitter follow button to create version 2 of one of our popular sharing widgets i.e. "Do You Like This Story" The first version included social media sharing buttons along with a subscription box and Facebook like button and it was designed to be added just at the bottom of blog posts but this version is kept simple and clean and designed to be added just below blog post titles in sub pages. This plugin would work with both BlogSpot and wordpress blogs. The tutorial below is aimed for blogger users only. Wordpress users may simply add the code in step#5 without the purple lines just below their post titles manually. Lets first see a demo:
How To add Read More Link In Feedburner Feeds?
Whether you call it "Read More Link" or "continue Reading Link" or "Jump Break" or Excerpts (teasers), they all refer to the link or button that displays only a small portion of the post on homepage. The visitor can see full post only when he clicks this link or button. Some of you are still confused on how to add a "read more link" inside your RSS Feeds. You have seen this link in MBT's email feeds and RSS Feeds. some of you even asked how to format the intro image and opening paragraph so that it may display perfectly in feeds. In todays tutorials we will learn how to make things clean.
Blog speed is an integral part of a blog's Traffic strategy. Blogs that load faster and quickly taking less time to display all elements, increase readership, search engine traffic and thus revenue. A Good blog design with poor load time means waste of efforts and time. Not everyone uses fast internet connection or LAN or Wi-Fi. With the advent of smart phone technology, Mobile internet use is increasing every single month and leaving behind Computer internet connection in Market demand. Browsers have made themselves compatible with iPhone, Android, blackberry and Windows Phone. People living in USA are biggest consumers of smart phones. USA is amongst top three countries which has largest internet users. In order to attract more traffic from USA as well as UK and Asia, you need to make sure your blog loads quickly and its design is compatible with major browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer8. In this series I will share some rarely shared secrets that web designers use to ensure their designed website templates take less time to load instead of forcing the visitor to wait for several seconds. We will be sharing every tip we applied to reduce load time of MyBloggerTricks.
This is second part of our series on Facebook Comments plugin. Facebook comments are now optimized and easily indexed and crawled by search engines. Facebook comments appear in search results and can drive your traffic both from its 845 Million registered users and also from Mega Search engine Google. I have already shared a tutorial on how to count the number of Facebook comments and show it on your blog homepage and today we will use the same script but with a different design and feel. Adding this comment counter is really easy. All you need to do is to track the steps properly. Please see a demo first,
Show Facebook Comments Inside Tabs in Blogger - Part 1
Facebook Comments plugin has rapidly replaced third part commenting system like disqus and others. They are now also being crawled and index by search robots. Our first tutorial on facebook comments box and Facebook comment count was widely appreciated by a large audience and helped most of you. Today we have something even more interesting. Thanks to James we learnt a new way of displaying facebook comments in blogger blogs. We will be using a different approach here and only using the javascript code and CSS code from james and keeping other settings entirely different.
One of the question that almost everyone starts asking after working hard for days and nights by writing tons of articles online. Why should your blog make money? Why should advertisers sponsor it? What have you got in your content that will provide potential return to advertisers? Why should someone buy an ad spot on your blog? Are you receiving good page views? What is handsome traffic in numbers for you? Do you have readership power? How many people actually re-share your content? How active are your daily readers, do they shop online? Which country brings you a lot of traffic? Forget about PageRank, whats your Alexa? A lot of questions that can be asked from people who just stepped into blogging and all these questions have logical answers. I have observed new enthusiastic people rapidly turning their attention to this beautiful art of writing and earning online. Yes without any doubts, blogs do make money and they drive hell lot of traffic but if that is the case then why aren't everyone becoming a millionaire? The secret lies in a sensible traffic formula and understanding search engine optimization strategies, the sooner you know it, the better it gets.