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Increasing blog traffic is one of the major concerns of bloggers. After all its one of the important measure of your blogging success. Increasing blog traffic was one of the first articles i read online and it feels really good to write something about that i have learned over time.
To summarize the entire post in few words, I believe the major contenders in increasing blog traffic are your blog posts frequency (quality post with proper SEO) and posting timings. These few factors play the vital role in driving traffic to your blog.
And yea, consistency is a backbone too! So lets start with our exciting list of the top 20 ways by which we can boost our blog traffic.

I recently posted a tutorial to Embed Free OutStanding Music Player To Your Blog - Dewplayer. Many of you liked the idea of embedding the music player to your blogs so here it is another Tiny Music player for your blogs.
The major difference between the Dewplayer and this one is its size. Its Tiny! How small can you think of a music player to be? The real beauty of this music player is the fact that how easy it is to configure for your blog. It wont take more than 30 seconds to tick the check boxes (the options that you want) and the code would be ready.
Customize Blogger's Official Popular Posts Widget
I rarely use a tool unless I know I can design it according to my preferences. Blogger Team introduced their official Popular Post widget which could display a snippet of your most viewed posts along with a thumbnail image based on your Analytics stats. But wait! the widget today is a step ahead of it. We will override the stylesheet for this widget completely with our custom fonts and colours. You can view this popular gadget right on our sidebar.
The biggest advantage of this widget is that we don't need to install any heavy Javascript because we are using a widget stored on Blogger's servers and we will just alter its look to make it blend perfectly with your blogspot blogs.
I hope you will find today's tutorial pretty interesting. So lets go playing!
Read more »Make an eBook: Creating PDF and 3D Cover

A couple of days back i shared a post in eBook series where we learned Creating killer Title/Content for your ebook. Today we are back to the exciting topic i.e creating eBook 3D covers and finally exporting it into PDF format.
PDF is the most famous sharing format for eBooks which is widely accepted on Macs and PCs. Many of us use PDF readers and are pretty comfortable with it. So its always a good idea to be in flow with the masses. So looking forward to that, we would see how exactly we should export our eBook that would rock the market. :)
It is always fun to learn and explore the new standards introduced for CSS. With growing development in HTML5 and CSS3, heavy scripts and flash tools are pushed back. This Mac-like multi-level drop down menu that we will learn to create and how to add it to Blogger is solely based on Pure CSS3 with no jquery used at all! It uses simple box-shadow, text-shadow and border-radius properties.

Drop down menus play a vital role in a blogs/website navigation system. Just as the 'About Page' can make or break first impression, navigation menus are extremely important too. Having short keyword rich links in these navigation menus can result in your site links appearing in Google search results.
So here we have a great collection of Hot drop down menus that a blogger
can apply to his Blogger blog in simple steps. You can check out the
respective tutorials (to apply the navigation menus) by clicking
through their relevant links.
Godaddy, that is the largest domain registrar in the world that provides hosting too. They are linked with Google Blogger when it comes to domain registration. You can buy a domain from your blog through Blogger settings >> Publishing options. The process would require you to add your credit card details. This is how you can get your domain from Blogger.
For the last few months several AdSense Accounts were banned. Some of them were those who were ignorant of the malicious use of there Google Ads code by others. Newbie bloggers who are new to content generation and distribution field often display dummy ads on their blogs to put a better impression on their visitors. Sometimes they even run your AdSense Ads on their sites without letting you know. This is what happened with us. While distributing free download copies of MONOP Template I forgot to remove the snippet of my AdSense code from it. As a result our AdSense Ads shown up on several test blogs of our readers with me completely ignorant. After one week I realized that I forgot to remove the code from the template and immediately took action and informed readers about the new updated monop copy. Unfortunately it was too late because the ads were running on several BlogSpot blogs, which were publishing duplicate content.
8 Easy Ways Students Can Make Money Online

We should stop wasting time, in over connecting through social media! I feel sorry for my friends who waste hours and hours of their precious time on Facebook or any other social media it may be, which doesn't give back any thing at the end of the day.
At this point of time where i know something about the potential of constructive nature of internet, i cant even look back where i use to waste 8-10 hours of continuous online gaming! That was terrible. My online gaming rig (xfire) has registered more than 1200 online gaming hours. Wish i had spent those on blogging or any other constructive work on online.
Suggest Your Favorite Blogger Gadgets For Christmas
Christmas is near. I can feel how exciting can it be for our Christians buddies out here, as it gets on our Eids festivals. Its always a good idea to have some Christmas oriented gadgets installed on your blogs. Your blogs/websites would look updated and lively, as if there is really a human resource driving it through, which should be the case.
Always try to talk and relate to the trending topics. These gadgets would help you achieve that strategy. The basic purpose of today's post is to get your thoughts about your favorite gadget for Christmas that you have or would like to apply on your blogs.
Embed Free OutStanding Music Player To Your Blog - Dewplayer

Many people love to embed music players on their blogs, specially beginners. Indeed adding music to blogs is one of the highly searched queries on Google now days. There are various ways by which we can embed different music players on our Blogger blogs. The music player mentioned below is indeed on of my favorite and i love its clean look and easy installation method . And the best part is that they are free to use, but not for sale. So lets start out with our exciting list.

MBT (mybloggertricks) is a blog dedicated to Blogger resources, tutorials and widgets. From the very first day it started out, it has aimed to share something that hasn't been seen on net before. May it be the top 25 Blogger Widgets of 2011 or unique set of icons.
There are limit less posts that i would like to refer to, that offered loyal MBT readers these priceless resources. The readers get these resources for FREE!

Ever wanted to get a list of the most exciting Blogger widgets of 2011? Well here i am to list all those amazing widgets that Muhammad has worked upon so hard to bring you guys something new and unique. Every widget that is discussed below has a small brief information about it and by clicking over the link, you could get to the tutorial to implement that particular widget on your Blogger blog, in easy to follow steps. So lets start out!
Its a new update by Blogger on its custom domain part. Some time ago here on MBT, you read 10+ Reasons Why you should buy a Custom Domain For Blogger. Having a custom domain have many advantages and would best suite you if you are serious about your blogging career and take it just not as a hobby but as a business.
And for that you should be knowing What is Custom Blogger Domain and Blogger Subdomain? if you are interested in getting a domain through Blogger its self. To briefly explain, you can convert your blogspot domain name to a custom one like ( through Blogger, which is linked with Godady hosting service (which also provides domains). Though you can always use your own domain name that you have bought from any other domain registrar.
4 Steps To Create a Profitable Email List That Shines

Yesterday we looked upon 4 Crucial Reasons To Build An Email List For Blog. Indeed building an email list is a vital part of a blogger's success online. It is one of the major income streams of pro bloggers today. So it would be pretty handy to work out those golden methods that could provide us with a huge email list.
You might be thinking that as time passes on, people tend to get subscribers for email newsletters automatically. Its not the case. Why would they sign up? Its the slowest method (by waiting and hoping people to join your email community) and it would take years to even gather few hundreds of them.

Okeh guys so i am back with the eBook series. I didn't wanted to over do it for you guys as its gets boring to read about the same thing over and over again. Right? So lets continue from where we left previously. I posted Make an eBook: Creating Killer Title And Content Overview that gave out a general idea of making content for you eBook and how exactly you could give it a personnel touch so that it feels like an authoritative content.
You could find your way through the contents section after the jump break in case you missed out any of the previous post inline. So what are we up to today and how is today's post different from the previous? You have to get over the jump to reveal it :)
4 Crucial Reasons To Build An Email List For Blog
We have discussed many ways to make money online here at MBT but never touched email marketing and how crucial it is to build an email list of your own. So lets take up this topic today. Email list is basically your email subscribers that have opted in to get your blog's content via emails they have provided.
Its one of those marketing techniques that have played wonders for popular bloggers online today. Name any, may it be Darren Rowse, or a young entrepreneur Micheal Dunlop, they all use email list as their one of the major sources of income.
Email list is something that you own to a very extent. Its something that you could use till you death to market your blog, increase traffic and earn tons via promoting affiliate links.
Hacking seems very fancy. Recently we had a guy giving out a presentation on his hacking company (ethical hacking) that finds out weak points in security systems of many popular firms, nationally. The presentation was quite motivational in terms of 'doing' something creative in our life.
I guess many students found a new hobby of learning hacking and then teaching it online, once the presentation was over. Learning hacking (knowing ins and outs of system securities) and working out for other firms may seem a good idea, but one who plans to make a living out of it online while teaching (via blog), may need to think about it several times.
Who doesn't want to make money online? To me, its the easiest job one could get. Blogging from home, in your own set environment, get up late and what not. There are so many ways that we could make our full time living through different levels of monetization on our blogs/websites.
Beginners often get confused while choosing among different money making ventures that are available to us in today's online world.
Yesterday i mentioned that Blogger would never suspend your blog without a reason, as only those blogs get penalized that doesn't follow the Blogger's terms of service (TOS). Say if you followed the rules and you feel that your Blogger blog got suspended without a valid reason, than you should consider restoring it back.
The restoration process is simple with a total of 4 steps to be followed. Notice that every steps mentioned below has its own importance and is not just the formality. In case you miss out any of them, Blogger team wont be able to process your application.

Yesterday i tried to clear 5 Basic Misconceptions Of WordPress Users About Blogger. There was one major miss conception that i wanted to clear out then, but it required much detail to be discussed. So will Blogger really delete your blog for no reason?
To summarize, NO!
Have you ever thought about the position Google or Blogger in specific is enjoying online? Folks at Google (Blogger) had always tried their best to make the online experience better than before. After all they are here for business right? And its in 'their' interest to follow the what they are doing. (i.e to build a spam free online environment).

Differences between a blog and a website are highly searched in today's online arena. Blogging/blog words are so intensely used around the net, that many newbies get stuck on the point here. So i thought why not to mention the basic differences between the two ways by which we can publish our content online.
To summarize, blog is a type of a website (Web log= Blog). Website is a general term. (site on web=website). You might have heard about those static sites and dynamic sites.
That idea supports the Blog vs Website theory. There are few technical differences, as to how the data is presented to the readers. We would also discuss couple of reasons due to which blogs are highly considered now days, to present data online.
Okeh, so we have finally reached towards the heart of this series, that is to 'Make an eBook'. If you haven't checked out the 2 previous posts, you could read them out by surfing through the contents that i have created below.
Creating killer Title and Content is the back bone of any eBook. Yesterday we went through some techniques that could help us better build our content and choose the eBook title wisely.
Its Huge!
There is a series of rewards for every field in the world that we wish to work in. May it be video gaming or the world of showbiz. A single Oscar award on any artists portfolio could change his life. So is the case with Pakistan Blog Awards 2011.
The contest was first time held last year in Pakistan (2010) where great hard working minds got exposure of the international market. Pakistani bloggers could register their blogs in the contest. There are total of 33 categories namely:

Making an eBook is a great way to increase your email subscriber base, as i mentioned that in the previous post in the series: "Make an eBook".
Most of the visitors are interested in building up their own eBooks, that could play wonders for them. Yup wonders. We hardly pay any attention to eBook marketing and how they can take our blog to a much higher level, within days.
So i planned a series of posts for you guys, that would enable you to finally make an eBook of your own. The series would includes:
Blogging enthusiast often read such articles. There are 2 types of people who might want to read this post. Whether he may be a die hard Blogger user, who wishes to get some solid points on his behalf to defend his right decision. Or he can be a blogging fan, who wishes to make the right decision in his early moments.
Before i could make any point here in the posts, i would say that its all about setting priorities. A Blogger plus might not suite you at all. So its totally up to the user. But, assuming that any one who wishes to get started with blogging, i believe these points below are enough to satisfy to choose Blogger, as a blogging platform, over WordPress.

This is what Google has always tried to fight against with. People, often with meager webmaster experience, waste quite a bit of money in buying paid links. What they believe would give them ultimate success, in terms of high page rank followed by massive traffic.
The actual PageRank is a link analysis algorithm introduced by Google in the year 1998 and it is mathematically rescaled by Google out 0f 100. This is the actual formula that tells Google which website has more importance and deserves to be ranked higher. The PageRank that is popular amongst bloggers and webmasters is the Google Toolbar PageRank which has always remained the hot topic in SEO forums and blogs. Of course most of you know that the Toolbar PageRank is a number between 0 and 10 which is based on the number of incoming links pointing to a site. It is updated mostly four times in a year. The most recent PageRank update was in November 8th 2011. Whenever I update readers about PageRank news many people rejoice on hearing the news while some get demotivated. So in today's post we will learn learn the technical reasons of why some Pages rank high with just few links while others still remain where they are despite several inbound links.
This is a quick announcement to inform you all that a minor PageRank update took place just two days ago i.e. Nov 8th. The last update took place in August 2011. Fortunately this update proved fruitful for most and especially to MBT guest posters with a PageRank rise up to PR 2.0 and PR 4.0. It feels great pleasure when we see new faces joining the blogging community and proving a productive resource to all of us. I hope the sudden Google algorithm update this time might have brought a positive output to you all. If you didn't receive any change in PageRank then you must relax and work harder. Same goes for me. However if you have experienced a PR drop then it means that you still have a chance to improve your on-page and off-page optimization. The following topics will prove helpful to most of you,
Just Like Facebook Like Pages, Google+ has introduced the fan, followers or +1 pages for web masters thus providing them better option of driving traffic to themselves by updating their readers through Google Plus. Google+ Pages are now also available for local business purposes. Soon you will be able to submit your Site or Blog RSS Feed to Google+ to automatically update your readers whenever you publish a new post. Lets now create a cool Google+ Page for your blog by following the easy steps below.
As we all know that Mobile Internet is getting more craze from Internet Users. Many people just use their Mobile Phones to surf internet. An App is a shortcut for a user to search for his requirement. Such as a currency converter app makes it easy for a user to get the results fast either by going to internet explorer and surfing internet to find your currency rate.
I personally build an Android and Nokia Apps of my Blog and it really help me little in my traffic but more than traffic, it gives your Blog a professional Look. If your app receives good stats than you can have an Advertiser to make some revenue from your App. Now let's get started!
There are many photo editing software available in market with full fledge advertisements that can attract any buyer and convince him/her to pay for it. And sometimes we waste our money by buying software we really do not need. Since we often upload several tricks on how a webpage can be customized as well as how to use different animations which make use of photo editing software. But we have never talked about which particular software to use. We always try hard to educate our readers and to empower them with appropriate knowledge. And today, we are empowering you with the ability to “choose” the right photo editing software for you.
Eid-ul- Azha 2011 Mubarak To All!
I would like to take the pleasure of wishing all our beloved readers a Happy and blessed Eid Mubarak! May peace, love, joy and serenity encompass you all on this beautiful occasion of EID.
Eid-ul-Azha is being celebrated in Saudi Arabia, Gulf States, Europe, United States of America and Far East countries today. This is the second biggest occasion for Muslims after Eid-ul Fitr. Muslims performing hajj are supposed to stop all their worldly activities. As per news, about 3 million Muslims are performing Hajj this year. Hajj is the most magnificent display of Muslim brotherhood which is performed once in a year. Muslims all over the world, irrespective of their castes, creeds, nationalities or social status, gather at the Holy place of Makah to perform pilgrimage.
Read more »Facebook Video Calling Now Working!
In July 2011 Facebook joined hands with Skype to offer its users with video calling option as a response to Google Plus but due to some technical problems it soon stopped working and now after four months of hard labour, Facebook Developers finally made the Video Calling Option available for all their users world wide. You can learn here in detail on how to set up a video call and how to start a video call with a friend and have fun chatting face to face live.
Ever wondered to meet A-list bloggers and podcasters, award winning journalists, Social Media CEOs and world renowned online marketers. BlogWorld & New Media Expo organizes industry-wide media events where all significant media users and content creators are invited to take part in open discussion and share their views and experiences. It is indeed the only place where world's largest corporations learn about the newest online communication technology and tools. BlogworldExpo has offered more than 100 educational sessions with renown speakers like Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, Tim Street, Paula Berg etc. I am sure it is the place where we all wish to go and meet our virtual ideals face to face. This event is now organized twice a year in US from 2011 onwards.
Ever wondered about the top 10 biggest advertisements ever? Advertisement have always been so important in providing a kick back to a company's well being in the market. Once advertisers concentrated on the quantity of advertisements employed.
But now with the world becoming a global village, where a single incident could make or break a company's fortune in the worlds business, the race of hosting the largest advertisement wonders is still on fire. Such extraordinary efforts in the advertisement industry is to achieve that viral cause.
The advertisement wonders that we are going to look in a moment have become viral and host companies are enjoying an ever ending flavor of this massive free advertisement.
How To Find Ideas For Blog Posts Daily?
The main focus of today’s post is to help newbie bloggers who are working hard to excel in blogging. Until me myself entered into blogosphere, I used to think “how do people get ideas regularly to write about it?”And this was my main constraint. I was afraid that I could not find an idea and this is not my field. But once, I stepped into it, I was amazed to find ideas clicking my mind. Of course, there cannot be any fixed method that could guarantee a good idea but still we can have some methodology of our own which can help simplify our search for ideas.
Hi guys. Did you wanted to have a featured post section in your Blogger blogs? You would have probably noticed that featured sections in the WordPress blogs quite often. People normally use this section to contain their top performing posts, so that they get a further boost up by those extra impressions. As many people tend to read the featured posts, this widget works quite well.