Wishing you all a happy new year and a splendid memorable year ahead. Can't believe how quickly time passes, with every blink of a eye time changes colors. Every new year brings surprises with it and every human has his own reserved portion. I just hope the coming happenings should bring love, serenity, success and joy for all of you. Year 2011 was the toughest year for me keeping in view both my family and career. I lost a gem, but at the same time I grew more responsible and thankful for everything around. I learnt to respect and love my dear ones around. I learnt to give first priority to family, second to career and third to friends because everyone respects an established companion so make sure dear brothers that you are not wasting your precious time and remain busy with your struggle for survival.
Show Sharing Buttons Just Below all Post Titles in Blogs
The widget today is an upgraded version of the sharing widget we earlier shared. It includes popular social networking buttons like Twitter, Facebook Like, Google Plus +1, Add this and Stumbleupon. I am using it in my blog as you can see. We will also customize here the Add This button and will add blog title inside it. You can easily customize it to change the background colors and widget overall look. It can be added to both Blogger and Wordpress. It has great importance in boosting blog traffic through the shares made through these buttons which will circulate in social media and help you enjoy a long lasting referenced traffic. Lets add these valuable buttons to your blog.
New Year Count Down Widget For Blogs
2012 is near and I am sure everyone of you is awaiting this moment eagerly. I have modified the countdown widget for Christmas a little to set it for new year. This widget can easily be added to both blogspot or wordpress. Simply copy the code and paste it in your templates. The moment new year starts, the widget will prompt an alert message saying: "Happy New year Everybody!" sharp at 12.00 a.m. The clock disappears the moment new year arrives and prompts the alert message. The clock has military standard format with hours, minutes and ticking seconds. This widget is created using a simple script with no flash. For flash clocks kindly check the Flash clocks collection. Lets add it to blogger.
How I use Google Chrome To Design Blogger Templates?
Google Chrome has excellent capability of allowing you to see how your design looks by adjusting the settings live. You can redesign or edit the style sheet of any website your wish using Chrome. While designing a template, one of the things that takes much time is alignment of objects on a div section. The margin and padding property can be a headache if you are not habitual with tools such as Chrome. I normally use MBT HTML Editor to design widgets but just few weeks ago I have started enjoying using chrome for my design projects. I will share some basics here that you can learn in order to better align and style elements on your blog. You can also investigate what CSS properties like font type and effects a site is using. All this is done using the Developer Tool provided by Google Chrome. Which lets you to edit CSS, HTML and Scripts of any website online. I am sure you will enjoy this tutorial. Follow up.
We discussed how an alt tag can put great search engine value to your images, similar value is added by the name of the image itself. When you download images, they get saved with pretty odd names that don't make sense. Because not everyone makes use of alt tags in previous days before Google introduced Image Search. If you are uploading an image having a alpha-numeral name rather than rich keyword, than even if you add alt tag to it, you are loosing chances of better ranking. Confused? Let me explain,
What Exactly is INFOGRAPHICS? Why so Popular?
‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. Data if communicated through visualization can be better understood and memorized. All disciplines of life use this pictorial representation to elaborate it. It is a universal language and can be deciphered by all human beings; and so do we bloggers. Today we will deliver the concept of info graphics. For better understanding of yours, we have not written this post. Instead we have used info graphics to compose our message. Follow up!
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The previous version of sticky were well entertained and some of you asked how to add Facebook like button and Google Plus button to the stickybar. If you have already added the sticky bar then you just need to make few changes to your old code. Only step#6 is different else all styling and HTML is the same which we used in our previous tutorials else you can try these new codes from start and delete the previous one. MBT's Stickybar is just a custom version of hello bar but it has no Ads and can easily be styled and customized to blend your blog template. Since it is always better to have your own custom widgets therefore we designed this easy bar which sticks to the top of your blog or website to grab the attention of all visitors. Both these social plugins would help you increase your fan following. The Facebook like button will be linked to your fan page so that any like may turn out into a Fan. Lets get to work then!
Top 10 HTML5 Websites To Get Inspiration!
Html5 has developed an environment of enthusiasm in the web these days. And this excitement is justly explained since it has emerged as an innovative solution for web related issues, after more than ten years. HTML5 is designed to make it easy to include and handle multimedia and graphical content on the web without having to resort to proprietary plugins and APIs . We have found out some beautiful websites based on html 5 that may inspire your creativity and motivate you to learn it.
Facebook has been the largest social network and everyone is enjoying its day by day improving features and services. You must have been socializing there but do you think of ‘Making money online with facebook’? Have you been earning a lot from Google ads but unable to derive successfully campaigned facebook ads? May be it is because you are overlooking the basic differences between them. Keeping aside your experience with Google, we will give you some tips that can increase your revenue generated because of facebook ads. Note that you can advertise anything on Facebook, even your blogs in order to increase the number of your subscribers. It works great if you are running a contest on your blog and want more and more people to take part in it. For that, Facebook can be the best source of traffic because it provides you with relevant targeted users..
Why We Migrated this Blogger Blog To Hostgator?
MBT went down yesterday for 24 hours because we have made some major improvements to how this blog will operate in future. I would like to thank everyone for their consistent feedback and for bearing with us during this maintenance. We are in no way interested in upgrading it to Wordpress or any other platform. This blog will remain hosted at Blogger and all its posts, image data and feeds will keep on operating from Blogger.com servers. I personally took this huge risk of transferring MybloggerTricks.com domain from its previous registrar to HostGator because I wanted to add some new features to this little blog. Readership is increasing and I am not able as an individual to do justice with dozens of queries posted everyday. We are looking forward to build an active, lively and useful community for newbie bloggers. In order to bring more exciting ways of improving the standard of blogspot blogs we needed extra storage space and sub domains. All this is possible with an extra premium space where we can save our resources and introduce new online tools. In order to make this possible we transferred our domain to Hostgator and purchased an extra space.
Wordpress 3.3 is just released with some new and enhanced features, I was very happy when I heard about this release and many of us was waiting eagerly for this latest news. This latest version is in fact very interesting and useful. They call it the “sonny” as said at wordpress
“The latest and greatest version of the WordPress software — 3.3, named 'Sonny' in honor of the great jazz saxophonist Sonny Stitt — is immediately available for download or update inside your WordPress dashboard.”
How To Tag Images in Blogger To Drive Traffic?
Learning the correct and proper way of Optimizing images in blogger or wordpress is a must. Google Image search is used widely for finding quality reference images, icons and photos. From web designers to normal surfers everyone looks for images that could be added to their profiles, desktop, blog posts, projects and etc. A great percentage of our blog traffic depends on Image search. We add plenty of high quality images to each of our posts in order to catch readers attention but we don’t just add them we TAG them! Search robots can not read multimedia may it be graphic images or flash. An image is meaningless for search spiders if it is not defined(TAGGED). Lets discuss this important SEO lesson in detail.
6 Best Tips To Identify Scam Websites
When you are working in online environment, it is not just the hard work that pays. You need to be smart enough to protect yourselves from fraudulent to assure you get paid for your hard work. Especially, when it comes to job and make money online offerings. It is always safer to spend an hour of research rather than becoming fool by some clever scam artists. You may find the following steps useful to determine whether the web is scam or not.
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Customize Facebook Timeline: Video Tips & More!
Facebook Timeline is every where and new and interesting tweaks related to Timeline Layout customization are emerging. Yesterday we shared how you can create Cover Designs for your Timeline Profile and today we will learn new features added to Timeline and some customization tips and tricks. Understanding the new options and layout can be fun with Video illustration. The video tutorial will give you a great idea on how to change the default settings and make necessary security settings. But first lets learn some important tips.
In our last post, we discussed about internet marketing. And today we will understand affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing can be simply explained as a method of earning where you get a commission by selling and promoting someone else’ goods or services. But unfortunately, getting a complete control over this method is not that easy. One needs to work really hard if he/she is serious about making a living through it. You need to consider a number of things to decide whether this type will suit your blog or website or not. Also, you can’t start earning from it right away if you are a beginner; later in this post we will see why it is so. Many people prefer Adsense and other advertisement methods to increase their income, because affiliate marketing has some risks if not understood and applied wisely. Without the following fundamental 7 tips you can never expect to make money as Affiliate.
We also published hot discussion based topics on:
Can't Undo Facebook Timeline? Know Why
After 6th December, Facebook Timeline has completely transformed the shape of old FB profiles. Some users are finding the new layout pretty complicated and unfamiliar. Whether it may be new advanced privacy settings or the new profile design, Facebook new changes are always somewhat not unanimously accepted by the 800 Million registered users. The new Timeline design display all your posts in hierarchal way, giving more importance to your memorable posts, photos and events.
Internet marketing (‘i-Marketing’) is also known as ‘web marketing’ or ‘digital marketing’. It refers to the promotion of goods and services to generate some revenue through internet. Whether the strategy of driving revenue be from E-commerce, Affiliate Marketing, local internet marketing or even the illegal black hat ways. Its all about driving money. You must have heard this term many times, but we thought it important to discuss it here; to give our readers especially the newbie a better idea of it.
Facebook Timeline Cover: Create Hot Designs!
Make a Pop-up Subscribe Form Like Aweber
First Of All Let Me Thank Mohammad Mustafa Sir to allow me to Post this article for you all. Have you ever heard about the Aweber Email Marketing Solutions ? If Not then i bet you must have seen EMail Signup Forms in Popular websites... They use Aweber. Though it is not free but it is efficient so they use that. But here In My Article I'll Let you to integrate Aweber Features and FeedBurner Features and install it on your Blog. So keep Reading And Keep Enjoying !!
The topic for today may not be a topic at all for many .Then what urged me to write a complete post on it? Actually, a friend of mine requested me to write on a particular topic. And the sad news is; it was a controversy. I could have simply made an excuse because I don’t choose such topics. But, what if the same happens to you and the person asking is not your friend but the gruesome boss of yours? Or what if you, for some unavoidable reasons, are forced to write on such topic? Some of you may be thinking that I am wasting your time… you can write it the way as you write any other article of yours. To tell you the truth, it’s not that easy. You may lose some of your loyal readers if you take it casually. And this is the reason why I felt it eligible worth your precious time.
I am really amazed at the new look of Bloggers Directory which in fact has all features that a Directory must have. You can no doubt expect to drive fair amount of traffic by registering your blogs there. The more votes your receive the higher the chances for your blog to receive traffic from the community. You can interact with other interesting niche bloggers and can expand your blogging network. A minimum 40 votes can push to the front page of the category "Best Bloggers" The early you submit your blog the better it is. The submission is extremely easy. Follow the simple steps below.
5 Best Tips To Manage Visitors Feedback
Whenever we write a post, we try our best to write something about the latest issues. Whenever we change the design of our blog, we make sure that our readers feel comfortable with the change. Whenever we introduce something new, we hesitate whether our readers will appreciate it or not. In short, whenever it comes to our blog, most of our efforts are directed towards getting more traffic, more readerships. And we often succeed in getting them, but are that enough? Do we want our readers to come once and that’s it? Or do we need them to turn into daily visitors?
Add Sliding Facebook LikeBox To Wordpress
Would be not wrong if I say you already use facebook like box for your facebook page at your website/blog. But they don’t have any kind of effect they just live at your website/blog like a simple widget. Although this is my first post at MBT but I will try my best to give you more from this tutorial. It’s about how to add a pop out facebook like box with slide effect. Basically it uses JQuery effect for sliding. It is a Wordpress Version of the same Widget Mohammad Posted on "Floating LikeBox For Blogger"
Floating Facebook LikeBox For Blogs
I found a script online that adds a floating Facebook button to right side of your blogs or websites. The button upon clicking slides towards left revealing a Facebook Like Box. It is an excellent coded slider that Hides the Likebox inside a container and reveals it only when visitors hovers the cursor on the floating button. A wordpress version of the widget will also be shared today inshAllah. You can use the same code to add it to your websites or any webpage you may have. So lets add this cool Floating Like Box to your blogger blogs.
Today’s post was aimed to describe miscellaneous features of PDF documents. When I started writing about it, I felt that I am too much inclined towards PDF format and as if am writing a review for it. I was wrong; I should give you the choice to decide what’s right for you rather than promoting PDF. Finally, I decided to find out some of the most common features available in almost all PDF creator tools and check if they are available in Microsoft Word or not, since MS Word is widely used for making documents.
The most awaited Timeline Update is soon to roll out all over the world starting its first major release from New Zealand. On 6th December 2011, all old Facebook profiles in new Zealand were replaced with the new Timeline layout that displays a hierarchy of all your experiences date-wise like post updates, photos and video uploads. The activation will be applied to the remaining 800 Million accounts this month and it will be completed hopefully before the start of 2012.
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The best thing I love about webmaster team is Matt Cutts video tutorials. He discusses SEO Tips and removes misconceptions and myths being wrongly propagated by several SEO agencies. I am proud of Google's great customer service. We all write post titles daily and these titles are responsible for driving most of the traffic from search engines. People often don't realize that every single character in the title has its own significance. Titles that are called the king are only those which are highly optimized in terms of keyword choice, word limit and use of Special Characters that we will be discussing today.
Rounded Corners Generator
The widget below automatically turns the square edges of your image into rounded corners. The rounder corner pixel size can easily be adjusted. Once you submit the image, you will be taken to next window where you can set border radius size along with image quality and background colours. You can choose to set a background or keep the background transparent. You can also choose which of the four borders you wish to be curved and which should be left as default. You can either upload the image, photo or picture from your computer or you can enter the Image direct link/URL.
On November 30, 2011 , Brian Ellin posted on Twitter buttons developers page that from December 6 onwards all button widgets will be automatically refreshed with a design update. The new button now looks grey with a blue twitter logo. The aqua blue Tweet button color is deprecated. The @username is merged inside the follow button and follower count is merged inside a dull ugly bubble. This new design is made so that the follow buttons may look similar to Tweet buttons.
Show Falling Christmas Snow on your Blogs!
What can be more delightful than welcoming your blog visitors with falling snow. The script that we would use today is provided by dynamic drive and creates an animated effect. The snow smoothly falls down the page and then disappears. We can control the number of snow balls and also the time after which they should disappear. You can easily replace the snow image with any image you prefer. The installation as always is kept extremely easy. Lets add some falling snow to our blogger blogs!
The Stickybar or fixed Bar that we released was warmly welcomed. What we all have been searching for was a Close Button or Cancel button that would hide the bar display. May be not every visitor enjoys viewing that fixed bar at the top, so they deserve to be provided with an option to view or hide the bar. While viewing one of the Wordpress Blogs I found this button next to their updates bar. I managed somehow to fetch the script half broken. Making it work with blogger template was difficult because blogspot templates are programmed via XML and the rules of XML are really harsh when it comes to Character case. Debugging the script was difficult but Alhamdulillah the hard work paid off. You can see it Live just to the right of my Stickybar at the top. I am excited to share it with you all. Lets get to work!
Christmas Countdown Widget For Blogger
Holidays are near and just like how we gift our Muslim readers with resources we would also love to facilitate our Christian visitors with all available Blogspot plugins and widgets. The countdown widget counts down to 25 December 2011 and in military time format by counting days, hours, minutes and seconds left for the coming Christmas event. It also alerts and wishes Christmas by generating a pop-up once the count down ends. The JavaScript is provided by dynamic drive and it is styled and enhanced by MBT. This widget will be shared on each event here may it be EID, Holi or New Year. I hope you find it useful. It is extremely easy to install and customize it. The best thing about it is that it contains no ads because we are utilizing a free script provided by dynamic drive and storing it on blogger. Lets get to work then!
You Loose 50% Visitors Everyday - Did you know?
Habit often ruin many things in life and same goes for habits related to web designing. Every single month we see new versions of browsers. Technology is changing rapidly and so comes the website compatibility issue. With latest web technologies like CSS3, AJAX, JQuery and HTML5, more brilliant designs are emerging which look outstanding and can't easily be resisted unless you apply them to your web design. Keeping your blog or site clean in design is a good thing but if you are viewing your website in major browsers after every new design change that you make, then you are on a safe side else you may be unknowingly loosing half of your website visitors due to Browser support technical problems.
I never thought it would be that easy. While sharing the tutorial on how to Connect RSS to Twitter and Twitter to Facebook, I observed the mobile phone text messaging option in Twitter that lets you send tweets directly from your mobile phone by sending a text message. You don't need to log in your account to update the status, we only need to send a SMS. By activating this option you can easily update your twitter followers as well as Facebook fans about any blog updates you may wish to share. You can also send emergency updates incase you could not log into your computer from any location in your town, city or country. Twitter doesn't charge you for this except normal standard text charges that your cell phone network may charge. It costs less than one Rupee per SMS which equals peanut. The best thing about this trick is that it works on any mobile, may it support internet facility or not. Its real fun!
Integrating your RSS Feed with both twitter and facebook is really important so that your articles may be circulated as much as possible to drive new visitors to your blog. At present FEED integration is not possible with google+ but I am sure we will find a way for it too very soon. If you visit MBT's Facebook Fan Page then you can observe Twitter tweets on my wall. Those tweets doesn't only contain post updates from this blog but also contain my normal daily life sharings with loyal readers. In today's tutorial we will not only learn how to connect your RSS or Atom Feeds to twitter but we will also learn how to connect twitter to Facebook. This is the normal way that we apply to circulate MBT updates. Lets do it then!
Yesterday I shared the trick of hiding the Feedburner logo from buzzboost widget and today we will learn how to change the default CSS styles completely. You will be able to change the text link color, font type and size, border colors, remove feedburner logo, change bullets and background color. It is extremely easy tutorial and I am sure both wordpress and blogger users will find it easy. This trick was possible only after we expanded the javascript code provided by feedburner. So lets jump straight to work!
Make an eBook: Building An Auto Responder eBook Delivery System

I recently published Make an eBook: Creating PDF and 3D Cover where we saw the ways by which we could bring our beloved eBook to the real world in the PDF format and giving it a physical look through a 3D ebook cover.
Making out a 3D cover image of our eBook can really shoot up its downloads as many people feel like getting something of the real world. Image is better than thousand words, remember? There was no use mentioned in the previous post regarding our 3D image that we made as that is the part of our today's post. This being the final post in the series of eBook creation, ill try to wrap up the subject, making it a final call of motion.
Remove Feedburner Logo From Buzzboost Widget
Feedburner Buzzboost Widget lets you display headlines of your recent posts or recent comments using your RSS Feed. It republishes your Feed as HTML. By default the widget includes a credit at footer that says "Headlines By Feedburner" It was not that difficult to find a way for it after I expanded the JavaScript code and this code provided access to all CSS IDs and classes. Our next post would be on how to completely customize the appearance of buzzboost by editing the default styles. We will learn also in detail on how to change the bullet style, font size and colors etc. Lets now remove the logo "Headlines by Feedburner"
Feedburner Feed Count Goes Zero - API Error!
Update: The Error Has been solved and now all FeedCount Buttons are working just fine.
This is a quick update to let everyone know that due to some technical API fault the count on all Feedbunrer Chicklet buttons display 0 (Zero) Subscribers. This is indeed a poor display of performance and inefficiency of Feedburner Staff which has always destroyed one day new readership and effected web traffic. It puts a terrible impression on new visitors who takes the Feed count for real and restrain from subscribing to your site or blog because who would subscribe to a blog with ZERO SUBSCRIBERS?
UPDATE: All these points are now out-dated. To find out latest pros and cons PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING POST: Google's Response To Our Post On Dynamic Views
5 Tips To Destroy Your Blogging Career
How To Force Blog Visitors To Subscribe?
Today we will not just learn how to create a new eye-catching subscription box but we will get into some Email List tactics that you should learn in order to turn Every Visitor into a Reader. A Blog with no readership equals a body with no soul. Nothing matters more at least for me than readers who read, share and circulate your content. Revenue and advertisements are secondary elements of blogging but what counts a lot is your strong Email List.
Show Slides Of Related Posts at the Bottom of Each Page

Increasing blog traffic is one of the major concerns of bloggers. After all its one of the important measure of your blogging success. Increasing blog traffic was one of the first articles i read online and it feels really good to write something about that i have learned over time.
To summarize the entire post in few words, I believe the major contenders in increasing blog traffic are your blog posts frequency (quality post with proper SEO) and posting timings. These few factors play the vital role in driving traffic to your blog.
And yea, consistency is a backbone too! So lets start with our exciting list of the top 20 ways by which we can boost our blog traffic.